Hand stitched decorations with a hidden magnet inside, perfect for decorating metal lockers. The magnets are fixed into the inner of the decoration which are hand stitched to order and the stitched edges sealed with a clear fabric glue for strength. Not suitable for babies and young children, for decorative use only.
More options available on the #2 listing! X
Select from the options below in the drop down menu- (little arrow to the right)
Happy Face in colours of your choice - felt colour of your choice (see colour chart) and glitter face in either black glitter, gold glitter or silver heat pressed on. 8 cm wide.
Larger Star- either full glitter, full felt, full Liberty print or with initial on Liberty or Felt. Size 9cm across. Backed in felt.
Smaller Star- as above, but size 6cm across.
Arrow- 11cm long. Can be made in wool felt colour of your choice, glitter backed with felt (see colour chart) and can be personalised with a word on felt or Liberty print only.
Set of 2 ‘eyes’ - each eye is 6cm across
Please note that the rocket magnet is not included in the 3 of your choice bundle below and is available on a separate listing x
Please note that these are not weighty enough to use as 'paperweights' or hanging things on them- for decorative use only on their own! Please leave a note with chosen colours etc in box above.
Keep out of reach of babies and young children, and allow around 2 weeks for them to be made. These items are not toys and magnets can be dangerous if ingested. For decorative use only.
only x